Saturday, August 18, 2007

Someone's 13 Today!!

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love this boy. He has been a gift from the day that he was born. He has the ability to fill my heart with joy and happiness like few people or things can. I think I could handle anything if I had this kid to help me through it. We are so much alike it is funny. We really get each other. We can talk and laugh all day long together. The only problem I ever have with him is sometimes having to remind him that I am still the adult and he is still a kid. He knows just how to calm me down, or cheer me up. I tell Dave if he wants to know how to deal with me just watch Jacob. His wife is going to be one lucky girl, this boy is well trained. How I am going to let him go though I am not quite sure. He has to promise every day to marry someone who likes me. I know you are all laughing right about now. I told him to never grow up when he was about four. Of course he had some wise counsel for me even at four. He said he had to grow up and be like DAddy, but he did promise to always love me and be nice to me. He has been true to his word. I love you Jakie, and I thank Heavenly Father every day that he gave me you!!!


Amie said...

Happy birthday to Jacob!

hilary said...

Happy B-day dude! :^)

aShLeY said...