Monday, August 20, 2007


I am nerdier than 93% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out! I believe that Hilary Swainston started this, and then it was on my nieces blog. So of course Dave and I had to take the test too. Who's score do you think this is? You don't know me very well if you think it is mine. I scored a whoping 1, and I think that I got that one because I misread a question (I realized that when Dave took it. I don't think it is something to be proud of. It shows how totally clueless I am in alot of ways. But hey! I had more than 15 good friends, it can't be all bad. and Leah says that it means that I am coolio, so there you go. Dave's would be the 93 there out of 100. It said that he is super nerdy and should apply for a professorship at MIT right away. Too funny. Do you see why we got married. Y&ou know how they say that opposites attract. I love boys that are really smart, and straight laced. Of course they have to be spiritual, athletic and funny too. Dave was the only one that was all of these things. I must admit that every guy that I ever seriously dated was in an engineering program or went to medical school. Dave did both. I am pretty proud of my fine catch. smile. The picture is of him taking the test with a chinchilla on his back (What Lizzie likes to call herself).


Kendra said...

Okay, I scored an 8 and I'm a little disappointed. Oh well, I have a creative mind and I'm happy with that!

Toni said...

That's hilarious. I saw the test on Amie's blog yesterday and I made Brent take it cause I didn't get half the ?'s. He scored an 88 and was bummed when I told him Dave scored higher :)

Natalie said...

I'm impressed that he scored that high! I got like a 32 or something. Lily just loves your girls! We just love the little aprons! I'm looking at one now! They're so cute! I want to get her a kitchen set, but it'll have to wait until Christmas! :)

heather said...

ok this is a laugh. Dave just told me that he lied on a few so it wouldn't be too high and he still got a 93. What a dork. To you unmarried girls, my advice is find a dork to marry. They are the most loving and devoted, and good providers. Don't worry you can change their wardrobe. ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Okay I had to go take it and I only scored a 3. I didn't even understand some Questions. I will have to have Jeff try it.

hilary said...

first i saw it on amie's, then sister grigg's, and then of course I had to try it...and i got a 24