Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What Confidence Looks Like

This one has definitely been told all day long every day of her life how wonderful she is. She is the most confident kid. She seems to just sail through life, not causing waves, doing her own thing, not worrying about what others are thinking or doing. She is an easy kid. She isn't super talkative, but when she does say something it is always surprisingly creative, clever, and silly. I love that about her. She is smart, but doesn't flaunt it. She likes to fly below the radar. Probably gets her way more that way. Thinking of it, Dave is like that. ha. I love every minute I spend with her. I love how tonight she came up to me while I was talking to my brother on the phone, lay her head on my lap and fell asleep as I stroked her hair. All without a word said between us. Not a day goes by that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for five kids that fill my heart with joy.


Anonymous said...

i am glad that someone likes their kids.

Anonymous said...

i have seen rachel and lizzie and jacob posted on here several times. what about the middle children? from, a middle child (who loves you)

Anonymous said...

haha, who wrote that they're glad someone likes their kids? funny. lizzie looks so old!