Thursday, January 03, 2008

more tahoe fun!

Of course the fun only lasted about half an hour. Then the blue lips, numb toes& fingers, and sore bum from too many bumpy rides down the hill set in. Dave finally had to announce that if one more person cried we were going home. So two minutes later to the car we went. But not before Leah took out one more kid. Poor Leah. These things always happen to her. I really hope she grows out of it. If not, you can gaurantee that she will be the girl that trips as she walks up to get her highschool diploma. She is so funny. So the wimpy Arizonians had to pack it up pretty quick. What a sad bunch we are. If it drops below 65 degrees we can't set foot out of doors. OK, so I should speak for myself. I am the biggest wimp of all. Snow is so beautiful. Why does it have to be so cold? How am I supposed to take pictures with frozen fingers I ask you. ha ha.


Anonymous said...

looks like fun!!! you got out of tahoe just in time. didn't it snow like 10-12 feet? did any cousins go to tahoe with you? felice anno nuovo cara mia!!!!

Anonymous said...

those pics are amazing. i love the one of rebecca. love it.