Friday, April 27, 2007

My New Niece Sophia

This picture makes me so happy. You have to understand that my brother Kenny LOOOOVVVVE

EESSS Babies. He absolutely cannot resist. This is the tough guy that snuck baby ducklings into his room when he was in highschool. I was with him when he had to take them to the local park to set them free at the pond because we were moving to Tahoe. It was hard for him. He loves to have something to cozy with. Well, here she is. Something truly scrumptious to cuddle all day and soak up all her yumminess. Ooh I wish I could smell her and nuzzle her to my neck. And this one Kenny you don't have to ever set free... ok well maybe when she is 18 you'll have to let her go, but she'll come back and visit. She looks so much like my brother when he was a baby. chubby cheeks, squinty eyes, same nose, so cute. I'll put a picture of him below as a child and you'll see what I mean. This is my little brother who I did everything with. We were like two little bear cubs wrestling and playing all day. I am so happy for him. He finally has what he always wanted. A cozy little family. Him and his three girlies. LOve you Kenny, Leticia, Kels, and Sophia!!!
I love this picture. I remember when we took it. The three of us were at Kmart together and we were walking by the photo studio and I begged my Mom to let us do a pictureand It was some ridiculous cheap price so she said yes. I love it because we didn't get dressed up for it. This is just what we happened to be wearing. Kenny wore this Fonzie shirt like every day. He rotated between this and a football jersey (we called it his number shirt). Look how cute my mom is. I can't decide if my sister Kelly, or Nicole looks most like her. Which of my kids do you think looks most like me? Can you see why they called me bug eyes when I was little? Do you see what I mean by kenny's chubby cheeks, squinty eyes? My sister's son Dallen looks so much like him it is weird. anyway. Just sharin the Joy!!


Anonymous said...

tanti auguri to kenny and family!!! that is wonderful news!!! i loved seeing the picture of you when you were little--so adorable! if i had to guess who i think looks the most like you (your children) i would have to say rachel. do you agree??? i think that kelly looks probably the most like your mom. when will you get to meet baby sophia? this summer? have fun in barbados! love, nancy

Amie said...

Somewhere between Jacob and Lizzie. Probably closest to Lizzie, with the big eyes. So cute! Congrats to your brother--she sure has his eyes!

Anonymous said...

that is EXACTLY what i see when i look in the mirror, she must be about 30 there. so weird. i can't wait to hold her, that was my first thought too, how much she looks like kenny's baby pics.

ps- you last comment on my blog made me laugh all day.

Mandee said...

I immediately saw Kelly in that picture of your mom. And I think Nicole has her mouth. And Lizzie is so you. So, so, so you!

Mandee said...

Oh and I forgot to say congrats to Kenny and family! She is so beautiful! I'm sure I will only see her in pictures, but I can't wait to see some that you snap of her! You, talent, you!