Wednesday, September 03, 2008

why my glasses are always missing.

I own probably 20 pairs of glasses and I can never find any of them and they are always getting broken. Gee, I wonder why. I think the pictures above are explanation enough! ha. I am embarassed to say that Leah is doing a certain pose from a movie. Can you guess? C'mon nicole don't let me down.


Christine said...

My guess would be the famous bend & snap from the timeless Elle.

Anonymous said...

gosh they are so old.

heather said...

Christine! You are awesome! You got it the good old "bend and snap." Of course, that is the last thing that Leah needs to know. and if ya'll didn't know. Elle is the name of our next daughter. Although, I really don't think that is ever going to happen. ha.

Anonymous said...

Are those the new spirit shirts? I haven't gotten them yet...And what is wrong with a little bend and snap anyways? SEe you tonight???