Tuesday, September 09, 2008

what is really happening with me. part one.

So here is the story. Guess what? I am back to my crazy self now that I am not Relief Society President. It is so humbling. I mean, I know that you are totally blessed to do what the Lord asks you to, and your abilities and talents are magnified.... but it just starts to seem like the real me after awhile. Than, I am released, and there goes my ability to calmly handle every situation. etc. etc. etc. I thought that now that I was released I would get so so much done (remember my enhanced abilities? It is like I had super powers. ha ha). Well, it didn't really work out that way. I actually have to work alot harder to get it all together now. Who knew? I guess, I did, but didn't want to admit it. It was exactly like this when I came home from my mission (where I also experienced super human powers). I didn't know who this awkward, disorganized, selfish new person was when I first got home. What happened to Sorella Reneer (that is Sister Reneer for all you non Italian speakers. smile)? I am feeling similar feelings now. I put my foot in my mouth more. I have more anxiety (gee, I really missed that. ugh). I have been extra irritable lately (not my normal loving and perfect self. ha ha). So reality sets in. I am going to have to work way harder now to have the spirit with me. In a way it doesn't seem fair. Why wouldn't Heavenly Father want me to always have that extra boost? Well, here is the truth. Where much is given much is required. And more was definitely required of me as a Relief Society President. It was a calling that I never thought I would be capable of doing. I did need alot of extra help to do what Heavenly Father needed me to do. What a blessing it was. What a gift to feel his love so strongly for my dear sisters and friends in my ward. I loved every minute. I am so thankful for such a wonderful learning experience. Now I am on to new super powers. The kind that I need as the nursery leader! What a happy spot it is for me. I am so content in my little corner of the vineyard to work in (it can get pretty rowdy and stinky from poopy diapers though sometimes. ha). Children are so my kind of people. Totally loving and accepting no matter what. Those are my favorite kind of people. They always forgive me readily and give more Love!!!! They just have so much love to give. These special little ones are definitely filling my bucket. So here are some pictures of my new peeps. They may be small in size, but they are huge in spirit!!!!You can see it instantly!! ha haI love her tongue sticking out of her mouth. so cute.I love when they all line up at the door like this to check out what is going on in the hall. I told you they are just like me. I love to talk with people as they go by.what a good helper this little guy is.


cbo said...

I am in nursery too! Is your nursery really that small?

heather said...

no, it is alot bigger, and we have three. There just happened to be fewer that day.

Anonymous said...

well you look very pretty!

Anonymous said...

i agree with kelly that you do look very pretty. you may need kelly to make you an apron for your nursery calling to protect your pretty sunday clothes!! :) the kids do look cute! are you in charge of all the nursery or the jr. division? looks like fun!

Julie said...

Poor Natalie...the only girl in a sea of boys. I hope she holds her own in there. Goodness knows she bosses the daylights out of me at home! I can't tell you how grateful I am that you are there. You're amazing!

Anonymous said...

You look very pretty. It looks like you are having alot of fun in your calling

Anonymous said...

fun! i love nursery! i love being in primary right now- way more fun than the adult classes- haha