Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cameroon temple trip.

If you feel it is too hard to get to the temple, read this. Actually read it anyone. It will move you to tears for the beautiful poeple of faith in Cameroon. I love the African people. You will not find a warmer, more loving and giving people. They are such a faithful people, and have the spirit so strong. See what I mean click here. I hope that someday that missionary couple is Dave and I. Thanks Veronica Luna for sharing it with me.


Anonymous said...

i too love the african saints/people. maybe you and i will be companions there someday! :) i am always almost moved to tears when i read about them in the ensign or church news, etc... i'll have to read that article (i am in a hurry). THANK YOU so very, very much for my special package that i received (yesterday) in the mail. of course you know how i love chocolate so that was a hit and i am anxiously awaiting to read my new novel. i will let you know how that goes since you are a big fan of hers. well, i am off to the weekly nielsen family dinner/gathering!
ciao and grazie mille!!!
la tua nunzia
ps sorry i didn't e-mail you all of this but i didn't have your e-mail address! :)

Anonymous said...

oh boy...i just read this post and with all the amazing pictures. wow...they truly are "pioneers." these pictures were so touching and make me appreciate what i have and teach me to be more grateful. thank you so much for sharing!
ciao ciao!

G-rant said...

I hate when people use "I love the (insert country) people." It's like when missionaries use awesome to describe an experience. Can we come up with some new ways to express ourselves? I'm sure its a good story but I coudln't read any further after the as for mentioned saying. My head hurts. Move to Utah. There I said it. It's so early in the morning.

heather said...

oh grant. I noticed you used the "love" statement about arrested developement.

Anonymous said...

are you sure g-rant's name isn't g-rouch????

G-rant said...

A-OOOOOOOOOO. 1 for anon.