Friday, December 22, 2006

Dave's midlife crisis

I am seriously embarrassed by the enormity of this tv. It is totally ridiculous. This is what happens when my Dad comes in town. His favorite thing in the world is buying tvs. So when Dave's lousy old 46 inch plasma (for heavens sake) went on the blitz right in the middle of the Byu game, that was the kicker. The boys loaded up in the car the next morning and headed out to do serious male bonding. This is seriously a dream come true for my little davey. LOve to see the little boy happy expressions on both dave and yes my dad. I guess there are way worse things that Dave could do to conquer his fears of growing older. SoYes, I do think it ridiculous, but dang I gotta go check this puppy out it is so amazing. Too many oohs and aahhhs coming from the other room. Dad is never going to leave now!!!! So I am off the watch invincible (I highly recommend this movie for the mid life crisis husband) with popcorn with hot tamales in it. Thanks Julie for getting us all started on that. If you haven't tried that combo you are missing out!!
ps. I am so laughing. I just heard Rachel saying in a funny voice. Nacho is bigger and
better than ever. also as a side note. Rachel just read on my blog that I had put her story and wasn't very happy that I had put her unfinished work. Oh writers.....
pps wait until you get a load of Dave's room in the house. I got my office and scrapbook room and he gets the loft. After a year and a half of him doing nothing in there i said I am going to make it a dance room. So after I priced mirrors, floors etc. he says, I am going to get a pool table. Guess where the "OLD" tv is going. I guess he deserves it after 37 years of schooling. I'll post the male area of our home soon. Of course it had to match the decor. I didn't let him do an african safari theme with a zebra rug etc. I am sorry but I just can't go that far. ha ha


Anonymous said...

YES!!!i can FINALLY leave comments!!! it is me--nancy! this tv is cracking me up and with dave playing peek-a-boo. heather, you are such a nice wife!!!! you are making me look bad! but you guys do watch a lot of movies together as a family so it will get lots of use!

Anonymous said...

That is the biggest (well not the biggest) t.v I've ever seen!Kennedy