of course I can, it is a mother's perrogative. Jacob just wrapped up his flag football season at school. It will be a season he will never forget. It was made up of the stuff that little boys (and big boys) dream of. In fact he has been dreaming it for 13 years now. When he could only speak a few words as a little guy Jacob in his sleep would say, "ball." Total crack-up. I have caught him a few times since that too. I will wake him up in the morning and he will tell me of his great play he just made, the amazing catch etc. Well, to actually live out some of those dreams. Let me just say... it has been jacob's favorite year in school. Captain, and star of the football team, teacher's favorite student, getting all A's, and girls like him. I don't think I will tell him quite yet that life isn't always that way. ha ha. I think I will just let him live the dream for now. So here are a few pictures from one of his games. As I walked up this was happening above. He was running across the touchdown line after he intercepted it. I love how his teammate is celebrating with his arms up and his coach is doing the touchdown sign and celebrating as well. Ps. the coach is also his homeroom teacher.
running it to the touchdown again.
giving his team the play as the coach looks on.
knocking the ball so the opponents receiver can't catch it
Mr. make everyone feel good, and always pumping everyone up to do their best.
Coach congratualating Jake on another excellent game. Look at Jacob's happy face.
Jacob we will always be your biggest fans!!! We love you so much! Love, your sisters and your mama taking the pictures.
ps don't you love what lizzie wore to the game. Notice her shoes as well. He will definitely always have the cutest cheering section. OH, am I bragging again? smile
Looks like you've gotta 'natural'! Go Jacob! :o)
So much fun!
SO cute! Tell Jake we are so proud of him! Especially for being so nice and encouraging his teammates...he is the best.
haha, nice arizona playing field of dirt!
good job championship jake nake!
is there anything this kid CAN'T do???? --nunzia
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