Monday, November 27, 2006

OH Lizzie

Lizzie has been so proud of herself that she hasn't opened any of the Christmas presents. A weakness of hers last year. It is so hard to resist! Right Kelly? ha ha. She keeps coming up to me and saying excitedly,"Mom, I haven't even oped a present, I only look at them, touch them, and hold them" That last one cracks me up. The way she says Hold so lovingly. I imagined her cuddling them gently trying to soak in all there magicalness(good word huh?). The season has begun and we are all loving it. The outrageous light contest has begun in our neighborhood. It was so fun all weekend to see all the guys out with ladders doing lights and all the mom's gathered and talking while the kids bike around and play. You gotta love arizona for that. Dave left last night to go work in Oregon for a week. He called me from his layover in Salt Lake exclaiming that it was 40 degrees there and they made them walk outside in it from the plane. We are way too spoiled.

1 comment:

kellymccaleb said...

the word you were looking for is "magic"
i happen to LOOOOOVE the snowy day we are having here, and look forward to snowboarding with a mere 20 minute drive :)
i will have to try just holding them and see if that works!
what game are they playing? looks fun