Wednesday, March 07, 2007


You must go and see my sister Kelly's blog, and all of her things that she has for sale in her etsy shop. Her blog is so much fun, and she is super creative. Here is a picture of her knitting at my brother's wedding. That is so typical of her. She loves to take her knitting with her to funny places. She knew that her husband was the right one for her when on one of their first dates she took a huge afghan that she was working on to a college basketball game that she went to with him and friends. That he wasn't embarassed won her over and he even helped hold the yarn for her. You just love to make a spectacle don't you kel? ha ha. How lucky am I that she is my sister and I get first dibs on all her creativosity. Aren't you so jealous?


Anonymous said...

yes, i make a spectacle because i am SPECTACULAR! haha

My name is Lexi said...

yes, yes! i love her stuff!