Friday, October 05, 2007

"SHe" DID It!

WOW! How exciting a year this has been. I actually realized a dream of mine! I made the goal to have a marketable skill, and with much encouragement and help from my dear family and friends, I was able to accomplish what I set out to do! I have learned so much, I can't believe it! All because of a Heidi Swapp class, who would have thunk it? What motivated Heidi was a book by Kobi Yamada entitled "SHE". I just received it in the mail yesterday and it is so inspiring that I want to buy it for every woman in my life. It celebrates women and their beautiful spirit and heart. Each layout of the book has on one side saying what he is celebrating about "HER" and the other a wonderful quote. Examples below of some of my favorites. OK so all of them are my favorites but here are a few.

-Celebrate her goals.

"she turned her can't into cans, and her dreams into plans."

-Celebrate her passion.

"she loved life and it loved her right back."

-Celebrate her self-esteem.

"she discovered her real measurements had nothing to do with numbers or statistics."

-Celebrate her presence

"she added so much beauty to being human.

-Celebrate her daring

"she took the leap and built her wings on the way down."

-Celebrate her joy.

"She designed a life she loved"

So my question to you is.. Are you designing a life that you love? Start today to live the life that you imagined. Make some goals, get inspired. As Kobi so beautifully put... "Life is not an obligation it is an opportunity. It is not about "HAVE TO" but "WANT TO" or "CAN'T WAIT TO". It is a life of choice.

So ask yourself who is "SHE"? Some that I came up with for me....

-She is trying to make the world a better place. training her children to do the same. Lifting others along her way.

-She wants to love others as the Savior would and show them the way back home.

-She is strong but gentle, kind, and compassionate.

-She is scared and frustrated sometimes, overwhelmed by the greatness of her task-but confident that the Lord will pull her through.

-She is imperfect but working on reshaping and remolding her life into something better with the Lord's help.

-She is beautifully imperfect.

Here is your challenge. Describe for yourself who the female spirit is. WHo are you? Celebrate "HER" and make the world a better place as only you can. I will be anxious to hear from you and be inspired.

All this and I really meant to just say I only have two morning appts. available in December and than I am booked until January. But see what happens when I get on my soap box? My family is so used to it. Dave calls me a Spiritual Cheerleader. Being a cheerleader is my gift, but that doesn't mean I know how to play the game any better than anyone else. ha ha. I struggle just as much as anyone. But boy do I love to CHEER!! So you go girl!!!! Here are two little "she" that I am cheering on in this game of life! We were about to walk out the door for ballet and they were singing in the mirror and dancing.


Kendra said...

Heather, what a beautiful post. I want to order this book. I want to order it for my sisters as well.

Syndi said...

Oh, I love this post, I needed this today, as I am so overwhelmed. Where can I get a copy of this book??? Syndi

Anonymous said...

i love this post. i want the book.

heather said...

I got the book online at amazon used for like 4.50, of course I had to pay shipping as well. Good deal!