There aren't
enough words to describe this girl. She continually surprises and amazes me every day! Her capacity "to do" is ever growing and with such energy! She is smart, and loves to learn, yet very thoughtful and kind.
These words aren't always the words used to describe her. I can't even read my journals from when she was little without feeling like I am going to have a panic attack. I really don't know how I survived! She was like no other 2 year old you have ever seen! Everyone told me that. I seriously had to keep her away from "normal" children. She was just trouble with a capital T! She could only go to people's houses who had 10 children and had seen it all or people who were gifted with children. My mom said I needed to take her to a psychiatrist. For all the kindly meant advice I received both Dave and I felt (with constant thought and prayer) that she is just really smart, and needs to entertain herself, and with age she will become an amazing girl.
Well, turns out Heavenly Father knew what He was talking about! The biggest surprise is that she is the sweetest most loving young lady. When she was little she was so independent and needed no one. Not the
snugly type. She didn't have time for that! She is
probably only alive because Jacob was sent first to be her protector and
guardian. When he was three and she was two, Jacob would always say, "I will
betect her". It was the cutest thing. They are only 15 months apart, and have such a special bond. Rachel still sets up "counseling appointments" with him. He is still helping her and watching out for her. All this to say, if you are struggling with a crazy young one. I will give you some advice. hang in there!!! The very strongest are being sent to earth right now. They are serious powerhouses! If you have been sent one, it is because Heavenly Father knows you can handle it! Once they are older and able to physically, mentally, emotionally etc. control that strong spirit of theirs you will be so amazed as I am now. It is a tough road, but well worth it. Rachel is now like my right arm. She can do EVERYTHING! She is mature beyond her years. She can run this house and family if I need her to. I love her and appreciate her so much. So a
gain, Hang in there, and don't worry about what other people think. You know the worth of their soul and have been given the special abilities to help those who are in your stewardship! Go to the Lord for strength and understanding. So there is my mother advice for today!
Oh my goodness. I sometimes wonder how you have the time to write such long entries because I don't have time to read them even though I want to! But I totally felt the spirit communicate with my heart as I read this post about Rachel. You see, I have these two boys that are nuts, and I do not understand why they do the things that they do, but when I step back and look at them as what they will become, they are amazing! Thanks for your "hang in there" advice! I know it's true! And Rachel is awesome!
Thank you so much for posting this! At the very moment I was reading your entry I was wondering what to do with my toddler. We have power struggles on a daily basis. I looooved your advice and it gave me a great sense of hope.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
that picture is amazing!!
i love rachel.
we love Rachel too!
Rachel is a very thoughtful & sweet girl. In primary, I'm amazed at how much of a leader she is and such a great example to others. Your hard work has paid off!!
She is such a cute girl. I have some photography questions for you. LIke what kind of a camera do you use? And did you take a class to learn to use your camera or did you figure it out on your own? I really want to get a good camera and get into it. And info would be great!
Thank you, Heather, for your advice. You're right. I sometimes feel a little overwhelmed with Jacob, and wonder if I just don't have great parenting skills. He can be a handfull. But I know he is a special boy, and I need to remember who he is and allow his spirit to develop. Your post really hit home.
your right...blogging does matter! tell Rusie I'm proud of her!
Wow that was spirituall! haha
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