Saturday, and Leah has a problem. She has been trying to glue on a fake nail and has gotten the nail glue all over all of her fingers and can't get it off. After trying for five minutes myself to get it off with nail polish remover, I turned the job over to Rebecca who loves to be in charge. This was her solution. She soaked the make-up remover pads with the nail polish remover and taped them to Leah's fingers. I thought that was quite clever, but the whole house reeked of nail polish remover.
Don't you love Leah's dress? When we lived in Oregon there was a large community of Russian old believers. They all wore homemade long dresses and if you were married you covered your hair. At the elementary school all the signs were in Russian, Spanish, and English. So of course, Rachel comes home one day with this dress and the homemade slip that they wear under it. She told a girl in her class how much she loves all her dresses so she asked her mom if she could give her one that she had grown out of. RAchel wore that all the time when we lived there (in the house). Soooooo Rachel. Anyway. Thought I would share the little funny things that go on around here.
Leah is so cute!
That's what I call creativity!!
Sister's are wonderful, aren't they!! You can tell your girls love each other!!
funny how your kids are always into "trouble"...just like somebody i know...i used to talk to her into the wee hours of the night when we were in the same time zone....
Well i finally found out who used my scrapbooking tapewhile i was gone! Leah you nutball
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