Tuesday, March 13, 2007

spring break YES!

This was yesterday. We heated the pool to a fabulous 85, and I have given myself permission to relax and enjoy my kids. Lizzie turned a marvelous pink. Today I am afraid she is red, despite many applications of sunscreen. I did a photo shoot of sweet baby Piper Black (pictures still in the editing process) which always makes my girls want to be the subject. So I always get a few of them too. Today was one of the most relaxing days I have had in a long while. I read a book, swam, and watched the girls happily play. I didn't even answer the phone for a few hours. The weather is so incredible and there isn't a cloud in the sky. AAHHHHH is all I can say. I will have to put a picture of all of our red faces today. Tomorrow we are heading out for Tahoe. Jacob has been praying so much for me to be able to make all the necessary preparations etc. etc. big words to say he wants to leave on time!. We will see. ha


Syndi said...

Sounds like fun..wish our pool was heated. Have a great vacation.

kellymccaleb said...

cate is beyond excited to see lizzie. she is telling strangers about it.

Tara Whitney said...

hey heather-check this out:


couldnt find your email, but wanted to make sure you saw!